Tuesday, 24 November 2015


(ATBA NEWS NETWORK)  Dog breeders in San Bacon, Brazil have announced that they have perfected a variant of the venerable Airedale breed.

They call it the TAireAntula.

Strong points of this new breed is that it does not bark but can run faster than any of its prey, giving it an enormous advantage when hunting.

So far the only TAireAntula has won every single dog show competition it has entered, scoring not only a Best of Breed, but Best In Show 27 times in a row.  Coincidentally, all other dogs, breeders, handlers and judges (except for the unfortunate nearsighted George McFoley who bent down to check the dog’s teeth and was devoured instantly) did not show in those shows, mainly because they were all scared sh**less.

Standing at 36 inches at the shoulder and 240 pounds (males; females slightly smaller), the TAireAntula is able to leap 72 feet straight up.

This reporter was not able to find out any more details because he was too busy running away as the dog was ripping apart its owner before a snack.